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Prednosti i mane kasko osiguranja

Prema istraživanju tržišta osiguranja i osiguravajućih kuća, koje je krajem prošle godine, sprovela agencija "Ipsos stratedžik marketing”, 46 odsto građana u Srbiji koristi obavezno osiguranje vozila, a svega četiri odsto vlasnika vozila plaća kasko osiguranje. Mnogi građani ne prepoznaju razlike između ove dve vrste osiguranja ili im jednostavno nisu jasna prava i obaveze prilikom korišćenja kaska. Ipak, najveću prepreku za kasko predstavljaju visoke cene godišnjeg osiguranja.

Kada plati po zakonu obaveznu polisu auto-osiguranja, vlasnik automobila je siguran da će osiguravajuća kuća nadoknaditi štetu na vozilu koje je svojom krivicom udario u slučaju saobraćajne nezgode. Međutim, obavezno auto-osiguranje ne daje mogućnost samom osiguraniku da u slučaju štete na svom vozilu naplati odštetu od svoje osiguravajuće kuće. Takvu pogodnost nudi samo kasko osiguranje. Postoje, ipak, situacije u kojima ni kasko osiguranje ne pomaže sanaciju štete. Ukoliko je šteta na vozilu nastala prilikom vožnje u alkoholisanom ili stanju pod dejstvom narkotika, osiguranik ne može da računa na naplatu štete. Međutim, način odštete određuje još niz drugih uslova.


- Uzeo sam kasko osiguranje i nedugo zatim na parkingu mi je neko oštetio zadnja i prednja vrata. Nisam video ko je to uradio, a u osiguravajućoj kući bili su korektni i nadoknadili mi štetu od 50.000 dinara. Nekoliko meseci kasnije, klinci iz kraja su mi izgrebali haubu čije farbanje u ovlašćenom servisu košta 13.000 dinara. U osiguravajućoj kući tada mi je procenitelj rekao da ne bi bilo pametno da iskoristim i drugu odštetu za tako mali iznos pošto bi prilikom treće štete morao ponovo da platim punu cenu kasko osiguranja od 38.000 dinara - kaže jedan od korisnika kasko osiguranja.


Treći, verovatno najveći razlog zbog kojeg tako mali broj građana kupuje kasko je uvreženo mišljenje da je takvo osiguranje privilegija bogatih. Inače, u nadoknadi štete može da učestvuje i sam osiguranik. U zavisnosti od osiguravajuće kuće i vrednosti automobila, vlasnik kasko polise prilikom odštete svog vozila mora da plati minimalno od 50 do 100 evra bez obzira na to kolika je šteta. Ako je oštećenje veće od 1.000 evra, osiguranik je dužan da u nadoknadi štete učestvuje procentualno od 5 do 10 odsto. Na kraju ili na početku, ukoliko je prilikom udesa šteta veća od 300 evra, osiguranik ima obavezu da pozove saobraćajnu policiju kako bi se sačinio izveštaj na osnovu kojeg osiguravajuća kuća kasnije procenjuje oštećenje i krivicu osiguranika.


Prihvatanjem svih tih uslova vlasnik kasko polise može biti i nagrađen. Tako, na primer, ako u protekloj godini osiguranja nije prijavio nijednu štetu osiguranik dobija popust od 5 do 10 odsto prilikom plaćanja kaska za narednu godinu.

Source: blic.rs
Category: Automobilizam | Added by: Admin (2012-01-26)
Views: 878 | Comments: 2 | Tags: magazin, Prednosti i mane kasko osiguranja, automobilizam | Rating: 0.0/0
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1 Roselle   (2013-08-10 12:04 PM) [Text]
Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights in Nepal,USA26th April, 2006Press ReleaseNew YorkAlliance for Democracy & Human Rights in Nepal, USA (ADHRN) is cautiously opiitismtc about the most recent political developments in Nepal. While the king's address to the nation relinquishing executive powers and recognizing that the sovereignty lies in people is encouraging, it is ADHRN’s firm position that the true aspirations of the Nepali people, as demonstrated by the recent historic movement, was to achieve a Constituent Assembly.ADHRN would also like to caution the monarchy not to interfere with the clear road map to Constituent Assembly as envisaged by the Seven-Party Alliance(SPA). The outcome of such Constitutional Assembly elections shall be accepted by all the political forces, including the king, without any hesitation.It is also incumbent upon the SPA that they break away from their notorious history of power-hungry actions, and take this second chance to make the best for the people of Nepal. Any decision that they take from now onwards, be it that of forming an interim cabinet, their possible peace talks with the CPN-Maoists, or the overall governance of the country in the interim period, should take confidence of the people they should always uphold the nation and the people's interest at the helm. The battle has been won, but the war continues; and as exemplified by the people's wishes expressed in the recent historic Jana Andolan, the complete victory will not come until there is an unconditional Constituent Assembly election.It has also been ADHRN’s firm position that the CPN-Maoists must make unequivocal commitment to full disarmament and to enter the mainstream politics peacefully. At this juncture in Nepali political history, they must adhere to their 12-point Understanding with the SPA. The wave of peaceful protests that made the monarchy ever-so-threatened has proven their ability to achieve what the Maoists have not been able to in the past ten years of their violent movement.At this crucial hour of great transformation, we stand by the Nepali people and congratulate them on their partial but significant victory over autocracy. The resilience and the courage expressed by the Nepali people to stand against tyranny are highly commendable. However, ADHRN urges everyone, particularly the members of the Nepali civil society, to remain vigilant and not let future governments deviate from the path towards meaningful and complete democracy, peace and prosperity for all Nepalis. It is ADHRN’s firm belief that only the unconditional election for Constituent Assembly, with the fate of the monarchy clearly in the hands of the people, can bring sustainable peace and prosperity to Nepal..Sanjaya ParajuliPresident

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